YNodes is our own system, that allows to create different kind of node-based schemes. Currently it is used only in the Level Script Editor and in the User Path editors.
Here is some useful information about how to work with this node editor.
First, open the node system that you want to edit or create new one.
To create new node you just need click with Left Mouse Button anywhere on empty space and select one of the node types.
Also there is option to duplicate one of existed nodes. Just click on ⚙️ icon to open a nodes context menu, then click Duplicate.
As you can see on the animation above, you can drag and drop the nodes.
There is also Copy/Paste options in the context menu, that allows to duplicate nodes between two node systems. And, of course, there is an option the remove the node.
Using the Edit option in the context menu, you can open an additional editing window that can to contain extra settings.
Almost all the nodes has at least one port — you can see them as yellow and blue boxes around the nodes. It is used to connect nodes together. There is three types of ports:
Click and drag one port to make a new connection branch. The branch will have the same color as the source port. Move it to the target port. The branch will become red if the connection is not possible. Release the button to finally create the connection.
Also you can drag and drop existing connections to change the ports that they connect.