
The Level Editor can be found in the Dashboard in Levels tab.


There is 5 main elements of the editors UI.


  1. Navigation Bar — five buttons which allows to select first, previous, next and last levels in the selected world. There is also List button, that allows to hide/show the Levels list.
  2. Toolbar — it contains two useful buttons. Parameters button opens a window with level parameters. The second one is Run button — it allows to start the selected level fast.
  3. Worlds List — the list of all level worlds from the project. You can have several level worlds and player will be able to play them with separate progress for each of the worlds. Here you can create worlds, remove, rename and switch them. Current world always highlighted with the blue rectangle.
  4. Levels List — the list of all levels from the selected world. Here you can to create, sort, delete, duplicate, group levels. Selected level always highlighted with the blue rectangle.
  5. Level Script Node Editor — the node editor of the selected level. It uses the YNodes system for editing.

Creating New Level

To create new level let's select the world where you want to create it. Currently we have only two worlds: Night City and Test Levels. First one is used for public released content, but the second one for testing.

Then by left mouse button click create a new level with one of presets. The Default preset is recommended, because it works out of the box.

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You also can use any of existed levels as a preset. Just duplicate it and the copy will be added at the end of the levels list.

All the levels are stored in Streaming Assets folder by the next path: Assets / Streaming Assets / LevelScriptOrdered /.

The first recommended step of the level editing is to open level parameters and setup them. It can be opened using Parameters button on the level editors toolbar.

In the Parameters window the next fields are located.
