PlayFab service allows to provide cloud storage for the users progress. This means that players can start playing from on one device and continue on another.
First of all make a PlayFab account if you still don’t have it. It is recommended to make account with email and password, but not with the “Sign in with Microsoft” option. PlayFab plugin for Unity allows to login only with email and password.
When you will get done with it, make new title for this game.
Now download the plugin for Unity. You can get it from GitHub, look for the “PlayFab Unity Editor Extension” link.
Import the package. The PlayFab EdEx view will be opened as soon as the plugin is imported. Login with your credentials.
Then press ”Install PlayFab SDK” button and wait while Unity download, import and compile the new code.
Select your Studio and Title ID in the Settings / Project tab. Request type must set on “Unity Web Request”.
Now the PlayFab EdEx view can be close.
An the final step: You need to add or activate the integration module in the Dashboard / Integrations. Make sure that the PlayFab Core is exist and activated (has green circle). Save the changes.